With the winter in full swing here in New England, it is crucial to be mindful of your home’s energy loss, especially through your windows. When it’s cold outside you want your home to be toasty warm, keeping you and your guests cozy, especially amidst the holiday season. Here at Merrimack Valley we know that heating your home can be costly, especially in the winter months. To help keep the cost down, and heat in follow these tips below to reduce the cold air transfer in your home:
4 Tips to Keep the Cool out and Hot In:
Install Curtains
A cost-efficient and time-saving way to reduce heat transfer is by covering your windows with curtains. The thicker the curtain the more protection from heat loss. This is because curtains act as a layer between the living space and the chilly outside air. Thick curtains can also be made with thermal linings, these types of curtains are easy to install and find.
Allow Sunlight to Come Through
Even amidst the cold and dark winter months, the sun still shines during the day and provides a much-needed heat lamp to homes. Allowing the strong sunlight to come in during the day can keep your home heated up, which can potentially reduce central heat costs. It also allows you to have a sense of fresh air and a taste of the warm weather to come. To maximize the effectiveness of sunlight, be sure to close your curtains immediately upon sunset, this will trap that toasty sunlight in your home.
Replace Old or Drafty Windows
If there is a spot or room in your home that just does not get warm or heat up no matter how high you crank up your heat, there is a possibility you are experiencing the repercussions of old and drafty windows. The easiest way to tell if your windows need to be replaced is if you stand by the window and notice a slight breeze. If there is a breeze your windows have drafted. This is an extremely common problem of heat loss in a home. To save in the long run, replace your windows immediately as keeping your pesky drafty windows will only drive up your heat bill. If you are in need of a window replacement this winter, call Merrimack Valley Glass and Mirror immediately! Our expert team of seasoned professionals is equipped for any window replacement & repair you may need! Whether a windowpane has broken or you have noticed a draft that is potentially leading to increases in your heating bill, we would be thrilled to assist you!
Double Glaze Your Windows
If you notice energy intake that is slow and not too noticeable through your windows, you may want to consider double-glazing them. As it may not be severe enough for a replacement. Double-glazing windows are windows containing two sheets of glass separated by an insulating air gap, this creates additional insulation for your home, keeping the cool air out, warm air in. If you are interested in double glazing your windows, call Merrimack Valley Glass and Mirror today!
Contact Window Repair and Replacement in Merrimack Valley
Merrimack Valley Glass & Mirror is an expert team in window replacement services. If your windows need to be replaced or repaired, please feel free to reach out to us directly at 978- 463- 9990 or by filling out our online contact form. We provide quick delivery services and ensure that all the windows are installed perfectly. We look forward to hearing from you soon!