Whether you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint or reduce your utility bill, there are many ways to make your home, office, or condo more energy efficient. Keeping your building energy efficient is great for the environment as well as great for your wallet. There is some preliminary investment necessary for making your home more energy efficient. However, over the years this investment pays for itself.
Energy Saving Practices
Aside from installing new technology or hardware, there are some general practices that help make your home or other property energy efficient. Some of these tips include being conscious of your electrical use, using cold water when washing clothes, changing your thermostat before leaving for work, and making sure that your windows and doors are not allowing cold or hot air to escape through cracks.
App-Controlled Smart Devices
One very popular method for managing your building’s heat, a/c, and electrical bills is with app-controlled smart devices. These devices allow you to turn lights on or off when you are away from your property as well as turn off the heat or air conditioning. There are many app-controlled smart devices on the market, so it is important to research what features your building will need. Some devices even make adjustments to your thermostat for you based on your normal patterns.
Energy Efficient Windows
Energy efficient windows offer a large difference in how warm or cold air escapes your home. Energy star certified windows are generally more expensive than regular windows, however, they make your home much more energy efficient. These dual-paned windows keep your home cool or warm without expending as much energy. It is important to have the windows installed professionally to make sure the windows are not crooked or have gaps. Gaps completely undermine the investment in dual-paned windows.
Insulated Garage Doors
If your garage is attached to your home, you should make sure your garage is well insulated. This is especially true for the garage door. Much like windows, it is important to make sure the garage door does not hang crooked and is airtight when the door is fully closed. Insulated garage doors also provide a similar benefit to dual-paned windows. Traditionally, garage doors are not made with insulating materials. You can lose a lot of your heat or A/C through your attached garage.
Window and Garage Door Installation
If you live in Massachusetts, Merrimack Valley Glass & Mirror can help install new windows and garage doors. You should have your windows looked at before you install your air conditioning units to make sure there are no holes that allow the cold air to escape. Give us a call to discuss installations and repairs.